Business Outline
Private Placement Fund

At Tokyo Tatemono Investment Advisors Co., Ltd., we strive to maximize your returns by putting ourselves in your shoes and providing high-quality specialized services for the following three stages of the fund business. In addition, we endeavor to build the optimal management structure for your fund concept and investment needs, by cooperating not only among the Tokyo Tatemono Group but also with external experts and partners.

Stage 1: Fund establishment
We formulate fund concepts and investment schemes tailored to our investors’ needs and propose general strategies for matters such as fund procurement based on our extensive experience in the field and wealth of specialized knowledge.
Fund concept and investment strategies
We formulate fund concepts tailored to each of our investors’ needs and propose investment strategies that cover everything from fund establishment to exit strategies.
We collect a wide range of real estate information from a variety of sources including the Tokyo Tatemono Group, financial institutions and real estate companies and acquire properties that suit your fund concept.
Property appraisal
In order to determine the appropriate value and future cash flow of the prospective property, we utilize our extensive business experience and wealth of networks to perform meticulous market analyses, thereby achieving a realistic and thorough property appraisal.
Financial arrangement
To acquire the best terms of loan, we not only negotiate with both domestic and international financial institutions but also discuss fine details of the loan terms according to the fund management period and target return on investments.
Stage 2: Increasing fund value
We strive to increase property value by considering various solutions, reviewing leasing strategies, cutting costs, proposing renewals and conversions, and considering reconstruction strategies.
Establishing the optimal operation structure
We formulate the optimal operation structure that fits the qualities of the property, by making the most of the specialized expertise of the Tokyo Tatemono Group and by cooperating with external experts and property management companies.
and execution of renovation plans
We offer everything, from advisory services to proposal and execution of action plans, to increase property value through largescale renovations, expansion of floor space and refinancing.
We provide thorough ongoing status reports regarding the managed fund, thereby ensuring a highly transparent operation. In addition, we perform market and performance analyses through these reports and propose specific measures to further increase the fund value.
Proposal of portfolio strategies
To ensure return growth during the operation, we carefully consider the returns and risks and propose efficient asset management measures such as restructuring the entire portfolio.
Stage 3: Investment recovery
We propose the best timing of sales to maximize investment returns by studying the real estate market and economic trends and considering various possibilities based on appropriate future projections.
Exit strategies
We propose the optimal sales methods and buyers, by making use of diverse sources such as our network within the Tokyo Tatemono Group and our network with financial institutions and real estate companies.
If the investor’s wishes or the results of appropriate market analyses and future projections lead us to believe that it is not the optimal time to sell, we may suggest prolonging the fund management period through measures such as refinancing.
Example of Investment Structure – Focused Investment in Specific Assets

※The above structure diagram is for reference only. It is not an official policy statement.